Innovative Sustainable Implementation


At Grenville, we believe our most meaningful contribution towards a greener built environment is to create buildings which champion sustainable innovations and materials and to build at a high quality for the utmost longevity of the structure itself.

We believe that double glazing, insulation and passive design should be considered a benchmark ‘base’ level of construction which we insist upon, but we are more interested in the next generation of ideas and technologies.


Green Concrete

Concrete is a staple building product, but is highly energy intensive. Substituting Portland Cement with Fly Ash or Blast Granulate can offer significantly reduced environmental impacts.


Locally Sourced, Sustainably Accredited Plantation Timbers

We make specific requests through our timber suppliers to utilise Australian or New Zealand sustainably managed plantation timbers, rather than European pines, to limit embodied carbon in transport.

As a company we feel it is imperative to support local Australian industries who are similarly making a commitment to the environment. This is often at margionally higher costs, but we see this as a worthwhile investment towards a new generation of environmentally sensitive industry.


Integrated Energy Monitoring & Management

In 2011, Grenville installed the first ‘E-kone Switch’ integrated standby power management system. This was an innovative wiring solution developed and provisionally patented in-house which allowed users to turn off an entire house with the flick of a single switch, but keep any critical device powered on.

In 2019, Grenville has refined the system and offers installation of the V3 E-kone switch, which operates in concert with wi-fi supported GUI (Graphical User Interface) technology.

This system allows building users to optimise the yield of their solar panels, or minimise their energy consumption, by reducing standby power load without fuss and without complex gadgets.


Thermal Imaging

Grenville uses thermal imaging cameras to analyse components of the buildings as they are installed, to ensure comprehensive and even insulation coverage, positive sealing of doors and windows and effective taping of building membranes.

Undertaking rigorous installation and checking procedures results in early detection and rectification of any deficiencies. Part of the handover package to the client is a room-by-room thermal imaging log, so they can be confident in best practice installation.


Blower Door Testing

At the end of the project, Grenville engages an energy auditor to conduct a ‘blower door test’ which de-pressurises the entire house and determines how many air-changes take place over the course of an hour. The more air changes per hour, the poorer the building has been sealed and the more energy is needed to constantly heat or cool the internal spaces.

The results of this report are provided in the handover package to demonstrate commitment to delivering a highly energy efficient house.